Perth Asbestos Removal

To remove your asbestos fence (around the perth area) we do the following:
Prepare the removal vehicle & supplies.
Prepare Access to the fence
Prepare & Wear Safety Equipment
Use Techniques to reduce the amount of asbestos dust that is released.
Remove all retaining bolts, screws, clips etc
Dig out each fence panel (removing rocks, tree roots etc where necessary)
Stack the asbestos on the removal vehicle in the correct manner (totally wrapped in black plastic & secured)
Securely cover and secure the load & take to an approved disposal site.

Additional Services Available:
- Bobcat Work / Leveling
- Tree Pruning / Stump Removal
- Limestone Retaining Walls
- Colorbond Fencing
Avoid the time, hassle & stress get a new look for your home / investment property today!